Slash with Adamantium claws for a Claw Strike. Unleashing Feral Leap will enhance it to Berserk Claw Strike for a brief period
Knock enemies ahead airborne and spiral through the air, sweeping up enemies along the path and delivering a devastating impact at the landing point
Leap like an animal to snatch the first enemy upon impact and Smash them to the ground. Unleashing this ability will enhance his normal attack to Berserk Claw Strike for a brief period
Unleash a fierce howl to briefly reduce incoming damage
Dash forward and unleash a Claw Strike
Begin to heal and rise with a hefty Bonus Health, shaking off all debuffs. After a brief moment, any remaining Bonus Health morphs into a one-off heal, zeroing out his Rage. Assists in KOs reduce this cooldown
Rage builds when Wolverine attacks or takes hits, boosting the damage of his Claw Strikes and the Bonus Health from his regenerative healing factor
Wolverine and Hulk can interact with each other. Once both parties confirm, Hulk can lift Wolverine and press the key to hurl him forward